Sunday, February 5, 2012

My (God) Sisters

I believe God puts people in your life for a reason; some are there for a moment, some a season and others for a lifetime.
Me and my Girlfriends
     When I decided on a school I choose one that had a specific Sorority because all of my life I wanted to have sisters. Well I never got the opportnitiy to pledge that sorority but I still got what I was in search of . I have 4 girlfriends, my college volleyball teammates. We all came from different states, majored in different areas and had unique personalities (the big spender, the lazy one, the genus, the mean one and the mom). I was the mom of the group if they needed money, advice,a prayer, a shoulder to cry on, a designated driver ... I was and am still proud of my role in our group. We have our girls weekend once a year and I look forward to our time together.
     Although we are in different states and at different stages in our lives if I call on them I know that they will be there for me and my family. When my brother passed I had my sisters to lean on as everyone looked to me to be the rock in my family. I looked to my sisters for support.

God is Awesome he supplies me with all of my needs!


  1. Many people will walk in and out of your life,
    But only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
    -Eleanor Roosevelt

  2. CaTia-
    Sounds like you are blessed with an amazing group of sisters. Our relationships with other women are extremely powerful and we have the innate ability to nurture and take care of each other. Thank you for sharing and reinforcing why we need to cultivate and maintain relationships with those that touch our lives.

  3. It is a wonderful thing to have sisters. I am fortunate to have two great sisters, who are really my best friends. I didn't think it would end up this way when we were growing up because each one of us was so different from the other. It is amazing now how much we are alike. I have been blessed to have one of my sisters,Sherita,to go through this graduate program with me. I feel we have been a great support for each other. LAST CLASS, HEY!!! Family is very important.

  4. Catia, I have grown the admire and respect your faith and self-worth. I hope I can meet you in person some day. Your friends are very fortunate to have you in their lives.
    I have four sisters who are also my friends. We are very different in many ways. Each one is her own person. We don't interfere with how we want ot live our lives, instead we support and give advice. We all live miles apart, but when we see each other, we feel like we have never been apart. We text and email about once per month or on special days. We all have a very busy lives.

    PS I added more to my blog - Learning Disabilities

  5. Tia,
    Thank you for sharing. I am blessed with one biological sister and a few who are true sisters in the Lord. Thank you for sharing this. I feel grateful to have met and worked with you and thank you for reminding me of how grateful I am for the people God has brought across my path and into my heart.
