Friday, January 13, 2012

The Challenges of Life

This past year my 24 year old brother passed away, I have been hospitalized 3 time with complications with my current pregnancy, I was "given" a new educational position, I was the first African American candidate to be selected to be in the top five for teacher of the year in my school district , ...  I can go on... I wanted this initial blog to be away to say Thank you God.

My brother reading to my two boys,
Senior Airman Casey Robert Jackson (my brother).

Because through all of my challenges I know that everything happens for a reason and what doesn't kill me will make me strong. The last time that I received bad news I cried for at least an hour and my youngest son told me that I have to be brave. At that moment listening to a four year old give me a pep talk I resolved to be thankful for all of my challenges because they have made me strong.

What challenges have you overcome that you now realize was just an exercise to make you stronger?


  1. Your have to be very strong. You seem to have gone through many challenges during these last two years, and you are working on this master' program too. I admire you for holding on to God's unchanging hand. Without him you probably would be going through some kind of break down. I encourage you to continue in your walk with God. You are truely blessed. It looks like you have a fine family. I know you guys are excited about the new edition. I'm sure he/she will be another blessing.
    You Know, I cried reading your blog and responding to it. This is an inspiration to me dealing with my own family situations.

  2. You're right about becoming stronger after hardship. My daughter was in a deadly, abusive relationship. Luckily a passer-by (a young soldier) saved her life Christmas 2010. Before that night, I spent nearly a year scared that any day I would hear that she was gone or dead, but saying anything bad about her 'boyfriend' only pushed her further away from me. I had to bite my tongue just to keep her believing I that love her. Finally she realized what kind of man he was and he is in prison now. She is stronger. Our whole family is stronger. And we are all thankful to the young man who stopped to see if he could help.

    1. I am happy that your daughter is okay. Family is so important.

  3. Hi CaTia, I am very sorry to learn about your brother's passing away at such a young age. I understand perfectly what is like to lose a love one. My mother passed away when I was fiftheen and it feels like it was yesterday. You will always have your brother with you. Your faith will help you as well as your husband and precious little boys. You are fortunate to have a loving family.

  4. Wow, I'm so sorry for your loss and all your struggles. It seems we all have them. I've had a lot to deal with in my life the past few years and I got so tired of hearing the words, "God only gives you what you can handle", "We're given these things to make us stronger", and well, you've heard them all too. I could tell you stories of what we've been through and you might even wonder if they were all true because I've actually had people doubt me until they got to know me better and learned. But as much as I look back at how bad things were, I see/hear others' stories and I think, I would never change places with them in a second because I could never be strong enough. Hugs to you and positive thoughts for you baby.
